Is to reach 1,000,000 kids around the world and inspire
STEAM+ education.
I can only do this with YOUR help.
I challenge all Virgin Galactic Astronauts to visit their local schools.
On March 4, 2015, I visited Park Maitland School to engage and inspire the first grade class about space travel.
What transpired was an amazing journey to which the children inspired me.
Below is an outline for the program. But, tell your own story and use your own vision.
Take a deep breath...
It's easy getting students engaged in science when you are wearing a flight suit!
Ask the students, " Who wants to go to space?"
Give your name and city you reside in
Who am I and why am I here?
Inform the students that you are a Virgin Galactic Future Astronaut and you are going to space!
Give them information on the following;
What is Virgin Galactic?
What is Galactic Unite?
Why am I here
- Charity founded by Astronauts of Virgin Galactic
- Inspiring STEAM+ around the world
- Targeting girls especially
- Currently providing scholarships to: US, England, Africa, India
Talk about a recent event in your area that relates to technology.
In Orlando, I used the Orlando Science Center where the Science Fair was held
Mention projects they worked on
Mention something about the local Science Center
​In Orlando, they have live alligators on the first floor, it shows you are familiar with the venue
Show the 2014 Google Science Fair video 01:14 (min) Click here to view VIDEO
This Is a video of young students around the world doing what they love best with technology
After viewing, the students described the video as "awesome" what better way to engage with students then to sing the Lego song, "Everything is Awesome"
Introduce STEAM.
Steam is an acronym for science, technology engineering art and mathematics
It is also music, art, sports and more -
Think about going to Disney World and the engineering designs for the rides
Kennedy Space Center where rockets are designed to leave the earth's atmosphere
Photo Captain Kirk
Example: Captain Kirk holding a hand held device communicating with Spock.
Who can guess what it Is?
It's today's mobile phones.
Photo Dick Tracey
Example: Dick Tracey is a comic strip plain clothes detective. The strip debuted October 6, 1930....85 years ago.
What is it now?
Photo Apple Watch
Talk about the advances in technology from one generation to another.
Share how far we've come in technology today.
Years ago, I was sitting in a classroom, just like you, listening to Alan Shepard go into space.
Impossible, no one had ever done this. -
It would be like asking you to leave your classroom and fly to the ISS (Internation Space Station) have lunch and be home
for dinner No way
It was a different time where I grew up. We had
Black and white TVs
NO iPhones
NO computers
NO video games Angry Birds (mention video games they play)
NO GPS you had to stop the car and ask for directions. What will be your mission What will you do?
Things change
Show photos of Giz and Saba
Russian Dog, Laika 1957
What is the first thing you need when planning a trip to space?
An airport/spaceport, L:as Crusas, New Mexico
Show photo of Spaceport America
Next.....what do we need?
A ticket
Training....We saw Zero Gravity film
NASTAR training video
Explain G forces use the example of an elephant upon reentry.
Use the models to explain the flight. Explain the details of the spaceship capacity etc.
Show Virgin Galactic's video, "Your Journey to Space Begins Here" 02:44 (min) Click here to view VIDEOThe video shows Virgin Galactic founder, Richard Branson's vision of space travel.
Discuss with the students what they liked.
What was exciting for you?
What was floating in the air?
What happens when you are back in gravity?
It is important to continue the discussion at home with family and friends .
Be specific...the questions are directed to what they have seen today.
If no one is asking questions, you can always say, most students want to know about our
Alway complete your day with appreciation for all those involved in making this day special at school.
If you have them use them.... explain the flight plan.
Lesson Plan
How High Is Space?" Google Earth Pro is an excellent tool
I started with the location of the school, an aerial, then street view
I zoomed out to commerical flights 30,000 ft, stratosphere 50,000 miles and finished with the
ISS (International Space Station) 250 miles
Lesson Activity
Design a patch for the Virgin Galactic Astronauts' flight suit
Design a patch for Space Kids Mission Patch